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作者: 2019-12-16 浏览:

  上周我们的少儿英语故事讲到了懒惰猪 Jimmy 煮了美味的呼噜汤给小伙伴们品尝,结果呼噜汤不仅越喝越多,还越来越好喝。正当 Jimmy 品味自己的呼噜汤时,皮皮猩 Victor 找上门来了。

  As it turns out, Victor was preparing to go to the other side of the forest to pick some fruit, and wanted to bring some of his friends along. They could all get some exercise. First, he went to Jimmy's house.

  原来,Victor 准备去 Happy Forest 的另一边采摘果子,他想召集小伙伴们一起行动。这不,他首先来找的就是 Jimmy 。

  But Jimmy was busy enjoying his soup. Why would he want to leave his house? He would sit at home and enjoy his soup, but he also asked Victor to bring some plums back for him. Seeing that Jimmy wouldn't go with him, Victor agreed.

  可是 Jimmy 正在享受着呼噜汤的美味,哪里舍得出门。Jimmy 一边喝着浓汤,一边让 Victor 帮忙带些李子和杏子回来。见此情形,Victor 答应着走出了 Jimmy 的家门。

  Shortly after that, Victor went to see Iris. Unfortunately, she had friends visiting from far away, so she couldn't go with him. As he was leaving, though, she asked him to bring some cherries back for her. Victor casually agreed.

  不一会儿,Victor 又来到了幻想鹿 Iris 的家门口,不巧的是,Iris 正在招待远道而来的客人,她也没有时间陪着 Victor 去采摘果子。临走的时候,Iris 让他帮着带点樱桃回来招待客人,Victor 胡乱地答应了她。


  As he walked, Victor thought to himself and felt that it would be really enjoyable if someone else went with him. Without realizing it, he had arrived at Pandora's house. Through the window, he could see that she was busy practicing her dances. She too said she didn't have time to go with him, but asked him to bring back some peaches for her. Victor agreed and left.

  “总要有一个人陪着才有意思。” Victor 边走边想,不知不觉间就来到了呆萌象 Pandora 的门外。透过窗户,他看见 Pandora 正在练习舞蹈。Pandora 也没有空陪着 Victor 一起,并且她还让 Victor 顺便带上一点桃子回来,失望的 Victor 答应完就离开了。


  Before long, it was nightfall, and Victor had picked his fruit and returned home. One by one, his friends came to him and asked for their fruit. Unfortunately, everything Victor had picked was so heavy that he couldn't bring it all back. Everyone left angrily.

  一眨眼就天黑了,Victor 也采摘果子回来了。大家纷纷前去找他讨要东西,但是因为 Victor 自己采摘的东西太重,他并没有为大家带回来东西,大家生气地离开了。


  Victor was very distressed, and didn't know what to do, so he went to see teacher Rolin. He thought that maybe he could reason things out, but what he said surprised him. He looked at him and said very seriously, "You need to do what you promise others you will do. If you are unable to do something, don't make that promise. Do you understand? You are the one at fault here, not them!"

  委屈的 Victor 只好去找猫头鹰老师 Rolin ,想让他为自己评评理。但是没想到,Rolin 老师了解情况后,却严肃地说道:“答应别人的事情,能做到的一定要努力做到。假如做不到,就不要随便答应别人。你知道吗?真正错了的人是你!”


  After hearing teacher Rolin's response, Victor lowered his head. He thought about what the teacher said and knew he needed to apologize to Jimmy, Iris and Pandora, but Pandora was nowhere to be found. Why? Let's find out next week.Shall we?

  听完 Rolin 老师的话,Victor 低下头沉思着,决定去向 Jimmy 、Iris 和 Pandora 道歉。不过,Pandora 却找不到了。这是怎么回事呢?让我们下周再见咯。

  Good night and sweet dreams.


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