校园占地70多亩,建筑面积2.6万平方米。初中现代化教学实验楼有12个物理、化学、卫生实验室,2个计算机房,4个语音教室,2个多功能会议室,电子备课室,师生阅览室,一个藏书近5万册的图书馆,校园广播电台,校园网站。46个教室配备具有计算机、闭路电视、监控功能的多媒体教学辅助系统,实现班与班的交流;还有校史展室、德育展室、档案室、心理咨询室、舞蹈室、艺术活动室、音乐活动室。体育馆集篮球、排球、乒乓球、羽毛球等多功能于一体,建筑面积3600平方米。两万平米的塑胶操场平整,校园环境整洁美观,雕塑、花坛、草坪错落有致。这所学校有现代化的办学条件。学校54个班,其中初中44个班,高中14个班,共3150人。这所学校师资力量雄厚。近年来,涌现出一批来自全国各省市的优秀教师。在职教职工202人,其中本科生163人,研究生49人,高级教师59人,中级教师80人,市级学科带头人46人,市级以上优秀教师78人,形成了一支研究型教学团队。多年来,学校坚持民主科学办学理念,全面实施素质教育,实施新课程标准,践行魏书生教育思想,坚持“以德治校、依法治校、以质强校、以研治校”的教育思想,坚持“对每一个学生负责,对每一个学生的发展负责,对每一个学生的人生负责”的办学宗旨, 努力实现“从最后一个学生开始,让1000名学生“让100%的学生上学”的目标,改革管理体制,改革教学工作,实施阳光学校,不断提高教育教学水平,赢得了学生、家长和社会的认可,办学声誉日益提高,引起了社会各界的关注。 自成立以来,先后接待了来自日本、马来西亚、新加坡等国外的众多教育专家学者,以及各省市领导。经过一代又一代师生的不懈努力,学校创造了辉煌的成就。中学方面,15名毕业生高考率全市第一,6人个人总分第一,15名毕业生考北大清华;高中毕业生高考录取率逐年上升,大学录取率连续15年100%。学校先后荣获全国学习陶行知先进单位、辽宁省模范学校、辽宁省社会满意单位、辽宁省绿色学校、辽宁省先进家长学校、辽宁省中小学校图书示范学校、辽宁省中小学校普及实验教学先进学校、辽宁省妇女建设与文明岗、辽宁省交通安全学校、盘锦市一级学校、盘锦市精神文明单位、盘锦市工会先进单位、盘锦市档案先进单位、盘锦市先进单位。2006年10月,学校将庆祝建校20周年。找ba
nts’ reading room, a library with books of nearly 50,000 volumes, campus broadcasting station, campus television station, campus network, 46 multi-media classroom with computers, televisions, supervising systems and air conditioners; the school history exhibition room, moral exhibition room, file room, psychology consulting room, dancing room, painting room, music room, the students can play basketball, volleyball, table tennis and badminton in the stadium which building area covers 3,600 square meters, flat track field which covers 20,000 square meters, the environment of the school is neat, clean and graceful, there are sculptures, flower terrace and neat lawn ect. It has the best modern teaching equipment, now there are 54 classes, of which 44 classes in junior branch and 14 class in senior branch, It has an enrollment of 3,150 students.Our school is renowned for its excellent team of faculties. A group of teachers are awarded with outstanding achievement from city level and national level. There are, among 202 faculty members, 163 bachelors, 49 master degree holders or graduate degree holders, 59 teachers of high class, 80 teachers of first class, 55 municipal course leaders, 78 national, provincial or municipal awarded teachers, all of them are of science and research teachers.
For recent years, our school has insisted on the teaching concept of democracy and science, has generally carried out the education of qualities and the criteria of the new curriculums, has enforced the Weishusheng’s education thoughts, has insisted on the teaching thoughts of “to administrate the school by morality and legislations, to strong the school by qualities, to prosper the school by science and research”, has insisted on the principle of “ to respond for every student, the development of every student and the whole life of every student” . our school will do the best to actualize the target of “ to educate every student including the last one, to let every student eligibility, to let every student go to the higher school”, our school will do the best to reform the system of administration and the teaching work, fully perform transparent education, the school won the students’, parents’, and social approbation, now it’s getting higher reputation in school administration. Since the school was founded, many foreign experts, scholars from Japan, Malaysia and Singapore and the leaders from all aspects have visited our school.
With the hardness of all the teachers and students, our school has made wonderful progresses. In the Junior branch, the rate of senior middle school examination has been No.1 in Panjin city for 15 sessions, 6 students got the first place in Panjin, 15 graduates have entered Tsinghua University and Beijing University. In the senior branch, the rate of the score line is growing higher year by year, the rate of going to the 3-year colleges reaches 100%. Our school honored about 56 titles such as National Model school in Learning Tao Xingzhi, Provincial Model School, the Satisfied School by Society in Liaoning Province, Provincial Green school, Provincial Model Parents School, Provincial Model School on Library in Middle and Primary School, Provincial Model School on Experiment Teaching , Provincial Women Model Civilized Unit,Provincial Safe education School, Municipal 1st Class school in Teaching, Municipal Spirit Civilization Unit Municipal Model Unit in File Management, Municipal Model Branch of the Party, Municipal Green Model Unit ect.
In the coming October of 2006, the 20th anniversary of our school will come at this pivotal moment. All of our faculties, alumni and students are so proud of our past history. Under the lead of our Party and government, our school will open a more glorious chapter in future and will write a new masterpiece for the quality education.