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五年级英语上册教案:Unit 1 My New Teachers

作者: 2020-03-30 浏览:

strong>第一课时 一、教学要点 1.能够掌握A Let’s learn部分五个“四会”单词及三个“三会”单词并能运用其简单描绘人物特点。 2.能够掌握句型“Who’s your…teacher? What’s…like?”并能在具体语境中使用。 3.培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。 二、课前准备 1.教师准备课件或相应的图片。 2.教师准备各科教师的图片或能代表各学科特点的图片或实物。 3.教师准备A部分Let’s learn八个单词的词卡,其中“四会”单词写进四线格内。 三、教学过程 1.Warm—up/Revision(热身/复习) (1)Dairy Report T:Hello。boys and girls.Welcome back to school! Long time no see.How are you going? S:Hello.(请个别学生谈谈感受) T:Nice to see you! S:Nice t0 see you,too! (如果班内正好有新同学转进,教师可趁机介绍新同学,教师还可以说:Rabbit has a new teacher.He’s tall and strong.Do you have new teachers? 引导学生说说新老师,从而为本课学习奠定基础,接着教师可以鼓励同学们谈论新鲜事物,如新课本、新书包、新衣服、复习old,new,long,short等描述性形容词和Do you have…? I have…Whatd0 you like?   I like…等已学句型,并可以引出What is the bag like?句型,为本课新句型教学铺垫。) (2)Quick Response T:Long/Short/Big/New/Black/•• S:Short/SmalI/Old/Wlrite/…拼读单词Tall,Short,Old。 (以对说反义词的形式巩固复习描述性形容词,然后渗透直拼理论引导学生拼写单词,解决五个“四会”单词。) 2.Presentation(呈现) (1)Look and say 教师事先准备学生熟悉的卡通人物图片可进行如下提问, T:What is Tutu like? Is he old? S:No,he is young. (通过第二个问题的提出,引导学生理解前一个问题的意思。经过几轮问答后,可以只问第一个问题,想必学生也会知道如何应答了,以此突破句型教学难点。) (2)教学funny ①教师拿出大耳朵图图的照片问学生: T:Do you like him? S:Yes. T:I like him.too.Because he often makes me happy.He is funny. ②T:Who is funny? Can you show us? (教师还可再举几个例子如Donald Duck。 Tom and Jerry来帮助学生理解Funny means interesting.He often makes us happy,and he is funny。引导学生谈论其他人物甚至班级里的同学,来巩固对单词的意义理解及具体语境的运用。) (3)教学smart (因为chant中要出现这个单词,所以在此作铺垫是必要的,也可以借助clever来解释smart,同时出示“聪明的一休”的图片帮助学生认识单词,再让学生谈论班级里有着smart风格的同学帮助进一步理解。) T:Yes,How funny Tom and Jerry are! And look at this picture.Who is he? Yes.he is Yeeshow.He is from Japanese.He is clever.He is smart. (教师在授课时可以尽量扩大语言的输入量,借助各种手段帮助他们对语言进行感性认识。 (4)教学kind 如教师指着白雪公主的照片: T:What is she like? S:She is beautiful. T:She is kind to the animals. (引出单词kind,同上方法练习,并引导学生谈论自己的老师,从而引出A Let’S learn部分的句型练习。) (5)T:Oh,your math teacher is kind,but who is your math teacher? S:Mr.Hu. T:Who’s your art teacher. S:Miss Cai. T:What’s she like? S:She’s young and beautiful. (教师可展示人物特征的图片代表各科老师,如画有电脑的图片代表电脑老师,并引导学生用以上句型描述老师。) (6)Presentation of the dialogue of Let’s Learn T:Do you want to know about Sara’s teacher? Let’s look and listen. (Play the tape) (教师可再引导学生分小组朗读,分角色朗读等。要将对话熟练运用,机械性操练必不可少。) (7)Choose and make a dialogue T:Now you can choose one of your teachers and talk about them with your partner,using this dialogue. 3.Practice/Consolidation(操练/巩固) (1)Let’s find out ①Let’s find out T:Good job.My children.Thank you for showing me your teachers.And now I know more about them.Let’s find out who he is. 利用课件或图片呈现Let’s find out图片及文字内容引导学生通过朗读并找关键词理解段落意思完成任务,同时也渗透了初步阅读的方法。 ②Let’s guess T:Who can talk about one of your teachers and let us guess “Who is he?” 教师引导学生选择一位老师模仿Let’s find out说一段话,让其他学生猜猜他是谁。在猜测过程中有必要告诉学生:西方国家习惯称呼老师为Mr, Miss,Mrs,而且我们还应告诉学生Mr,Miss,Mrs.后面应该跟姓,而不是跟名。这个环节可以用上Good to know的内容。 (2)Let’s chant ①教师在以上环节可以把关键词或者说提示词写在黑板上,如猜出math teacher是young,English teacher是beautiful等,可板书如下: math teacher    young English teacher    beautiful Chinese teacher    kind art teacher    funny music teacher    old 教师引导学生把它们编成歌谣,如: My math teacher is very young.My English teacher is beautiful. My Chinese teacher is SO kind.My art teacher is funny,funny. My music teacher is old,but can sing nice songs. 同时也可自然地引出Page 2的Let’s chant。 ②T:Now,let’s listen and find out.What are these teachers like? (Play the tape) 教师通过提问“What’s the math teacher like?” 等问题引导学生回答并改变黑板板书,使之成为Let’s chant部分的提示词,如:math teacher    smart English teacher    kind P.E teacher     strong music teacher    nice songs 这样也有助于学生快速记忆chant内容。 4.Assessment(检测评价) Finish Activity Book. (1)Ask Ss to take out their Activity Book,then ask them to look at Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. (2)Have them do some listening exercises. (3)Have Ss check the answers. 5.Add—activities(课外活动) (1)Discuss the pictures. (2)教师让学生准备一些家人、朋友、老师等的照片,课后进行描述,在下一堂课上引导他们利用这些照片,在真实的情景中综合运用所学语言进行交际。 教学反思:通过这节课的学习,实现了本节课的教学目标,调动了学生的学习热情,学生学得都很投入,教学效果良好!

