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作者: 2025-02-05 浏览:

       上周我们的少儿英语故事讲到了呆萌象 Pandora 在幻想鹿 Iris 的教育下,拾金不昧将铅笔盒还给了懒惰猪 Jimmy,而 Jimmy 此时正在准备学习跳绳。

  Everyone was very curious about Jimmy learning to jump rope, seeing as he hated to exercise.

  面对 Jimmy 奇怪的举动,大家都很好奇,一向不爱运动的 Jimmy 今天是受到什么刺激了。


  After asking around, his classmates discovered that the reason he was exercising was because he realized that over the winter, he had put on quite a bit of weight. He would huff and puff after taking even a short walk to school. He thought he would learn to jump rope to get some exercise and lose a bit of weight.

  询问下来才知道,原来一个冬天过去了,Jimmy 发现自己又胖了不少,多走几步路都喘得不行,他决定通过跳绳的方式来减肥。

  However, Jimmy had never jumped rope before. Pandora and Iris showed him how to do it, and they were very graceful.

  可是,Jimmy 从来没有跳过跳绳,小伙伴们纷纷上前来帮助他。Iris 和 Pandora 展示着给 Jimmy 看,她们一上一下地跳得特别优美。

  When Jimmy saw them jumping rope, he felt more confident. After warming up, he thought he was ready to begin.

  Jimmy 看着她们的表现,信心大增。他热身完后,一副志在必得的样子。

  But this confidence didn’t last long. He began, and with his first jump, he became tangled in the rope, and splat, fell to the ground. It hurt a lot, and he began to cry.

  不过,这样自信满满的状态还没有持续几秒,Jimmy 正式开始跳绳后,刚一蹦起来就被绳子缠住,“扑通”一声摔在地上,他疼得掉下了眼泪。


  He sat on the ground and did not want to get up. With tears welling up in his eyes, he shouted that he would never jump rope again.

  坐在地上的 Jimmy 坚决不肯起来,眼泪在他眼眶里打转,他嚷嚷着再也不跳绳了。


  Upon seeing the situation, Pandora poked fun at the way chubby Jimmy walked. Jimmy was shy and decided the only thing he could do was continue to practice.

  见此情景,Pandora 学习起胖乎乎的 Jimmy 走路的样子,害羞的 Jimmy 只好重新站起来继续学习跳绳。



  With help from his classmates, he started to practice again.

  这时,Iris 站出来说道:“如果你做事情因为受一点点苦就半途而废,那你永远都只是一只肥胖的小猪。加油,我们都相信你可以的!”

  After trying for a long time, Jimmy had become very sweaty, but had still not learned to jump rope. He again wanted to give up.

  这时,Iris 站出来说道:“如果你做事情因为受一点点苦就半途而废,那你永远都只是一只肥胖的小猪。加油,我们都相信你可以的!”

  At this time, Iris stood up and said, “If you give up every time you encounter some difficulty, then you will always just be a chubby little pig. Work harder! We all believe you can do it!”

  在小伙伴们的鼓励下,凭借着自己的坚持和努力,Jimmy 终于学会了跳绳,他也最终瘦身成功啦!而下周学校也要组织郊游啦,又会发生什么有趣的事情呢?下周再见咯。

  Good night and sweet dreams.





