1. pilot
Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He's a pilot.奈杰尔是我们新搬来的隔壁邻居,他是个飞行员。
I want to be a pilot.我想成为一名飞行员。
The pilot was killed in the plane crash.在撞机事故中,飞行员丧生了。
2. return
He'll return to London the week after next.下下个星期他将返回伦敦。
These books must be returned in a month.这些书一个月后必须归还。
He returned home, cold and hungry.他回到了家,又冷又饿。
3. New York
He will fly to New York next month.下个月他将飞往纽约。
New York is a busy city.纽约是个繁忙的都市。
He is now working in New York.他现在在纽约工作。
4. Tokyo
The month after next he'll fly to Tokyo.下下个月他将飞往东京。
He has been to Tokyo many times.他去过东京好多次了。
Do you like Tokyo?你喜欢东京吗?
5. Madrid
At the moment, he's in Madrid.现在他在马德里。
He will stop in Madrid for a few days.他将在马德里停留几天。
How long will you stay in Madrid?你会在马德里呆多长时间?
6. fly
I will fly to Shanghai next month.下个月我将飞往上海。
How long does it take to fly from China to Canada?从中国飞往加拿大需要多长时间?
作者: 2020-03-30 浏览: